Dear Elenteny Customers,
The tariff implemented in October of 2019 is coming up for a review on August 12th. The effective date of any possible changes is not yet known; however there are actions you can take.
To recap what USWTA announced on Friday, the USTR has proposed a new comment portal specifically for the WTO Airbus issue that affects wine tariffs. This is due to the large number of comments they received (go wine industry!) the last round. Unfortunately these changes would make it significantly more time consuming to comment. Nonetheless, if you have the time, please write and submit your opposition to the proposed changes to the USTR Large Civil Aircraft portal. Comments are DUE TOMORROW June 9th. To be clear, your letter should reference the Large Civil Aircraft Dispute Portal. You can see the proposed changes by reading the federal register notice here.
You can submit opposition here:
Or email here:
The next carousel date for the current wine tariffs is August 12, 2020. They should open the comment portal to the public on June 23rd, which will require all of our time and collective comments.
Best practices when ordering wine from countries affected by wine tariffs (France, Spain, Germany and the UK):
- Ask your suppliers to include the abv % and type of wine (still or sparkling) on the commercial invoice. This is where customs looks to assess the 25% tariff
- Get your COLAs up to date
- Note that the PO you send to Elenteny and / or the winery nor the country of origin export documents are referenced by customs for any purpose
- Order small in these quickly changing times
We will keep you informed as we learn more about the upcoming review.
Thank you,
Elenteny Imports