Weekly Update 25 : 17 – 21 June 2024



Weekly Update

Week 25 : 17 June – 21 June 2024

Are you coming to Vinexpo Next Week
Vinexpo 2024  is next week!
The event is being held in Elenteny’s backyard at the Jarvis Centre
from 24 -25 June.    Send us an email and let us know if you will be in town here.  

Italy to Oakland
We have room for 650 cases on our next Italy to Oakland
consolidated container.
Reach out to sale@elentenyimports.com
to secure your spot!  

Operations Update  

Ship Now to the West Coast

Transit times from Europe to the West Coast take on average 64 days from Port to Port.  We urge our customers to order now to build their inventory ahead of OND.  Summer closures will impact the availability of some wines and we remind people to work closure periods into their schedules.

One-Day Warning Strike in Germany

Workers at Germany’s major Ports called a one-day strike on June 17 ahead of wage talks. Operations at Hamburg and Bremerhaven and the smaller Ports at Breman, Brake, and Emden halted for 24 hours.  Steamship lines warn of delays due to the inability to get trucks in and out of these Ports.

Interactive Map Shows Fire Impacting Sonoma County

While evacuation orders and warnings have been lifted in communities impacted by the Point Fire Wildfires in Sonoma County, several wineries were impacted.  We found this nifty interactive map that shows fires currently burning, not only in Sonoma County but across the US.  Check it out!

Building Containers | LCL Spaces Available 

As we fill containers, below is the number of cases still needed from each origin BEFORE we close the doors on the next sailing.

Austria to New York: 700 cases
France to OAK: Full, our next container needs 460 Cases.
Italy to OAK: 650 cases
Portugal to NY:  740 cases
South America to NY: Full, our next container is building!
Germany to NY: Full, our next container is shaping up!
Spain to OAK: Full, Shipping 6/29

Building New Containers for these lanes:

Australia to NY
South Africa to NY
New Zealand to NY

We also operate the following frequent services:
France to NY – Multiple Containers per Week
Italy to NY – Multiple Containers per Week
Spain to NY –  Bi-monthly

Click to get a Quote



US Government Takes Aim at Liquor’s Big Gun | Winesearcher.com

Biden Issues Executive Order on Supply Chain Resiliency Efforts | GCaptain.com

Strike threat escalates across US east coast ports | Splash.Com

Are Lower-Alcohol Rosés Lower in Quality? | SevenFiftyDaily.com

Very anxious’: Winery owners and guests flee as Point Fire erupts in iconic Sonoma County wine region | PressDemocrat.com

 Who you are is beautiful and amazing
Laverne Cox

Cheers, Elenteny Imports

Get in Touch!