Weekly Update: Week 10: March 7th-11th

Welcome Aboard!


Please join us in welcoming our newest Elenteny team members!

Kalene White- Compliance Analyst

Shivani Ramlall- Traffic Coordinator

Taswaisha Burns- Customer Service Data Specialist

Krystell Jason- Customer Service Data Specialist

Operations Update:


Port Delays
Please find the information below with regards to port delays. In summary, delays continue in all key ports. We are starting to see more ships anchored outside of ports. Ports are also seeing shortages in truckers, and port labor.

Long Beach: Currently seeing a 7-day average for vessels waiting in the Los Angeles. For the port of Long Beach the average delay is 9.59 days. Seeing 20 days total delay for ships.

Houston: Average vessel waiting time is 2-12 days due to vessel bunching and labor shortage. To complicate matters more, the average local trucking availability is 20 days.

Oakland: Vessel wait time is 10-12 days due to high import volume, and labor availability. 10 containership vessels at berth and another 13 arriving/en route. We are seeing vessels anchored at sea outside of SF Bay for the first time.

New York: 7-day average vessel waiting time in the New York area is 3.89 days. We are seeing vessels anchored out by Long Island for up to 6 days.

News to Know

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