Weekly Update Week 30: July 19th – 23rd

News to Know


Flooding Devastates Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, damaging wineries in Ahr. More than 180 people are confirmed dead; Mosel vintners grapple with floodwaters while winemakers elsewhere organize relief efforts.


Elenteny Imports is now an official sponsor of Women of the Vine & Spirits – a phenomenal organization supporting DEI and female advancement in the drinks industry. Learn more.


Until now, mature markets typically didn’t experience leaps in wine consumption. But 2020 saw wine consumption surge in Germany, Sweden, and the UK. Wine consumption surged in select markets in 2020 – but how will consumer behavior change going forward?


Consumers turned to online purchasing for pretty much everything, forcing producers to set themselves up for such purchases. Is our increased thirst for online purchasing crippling the supply chain? Are we, the consumers, aiding the shipping crisis?


No relief yet from premium pricing. Container shipping rates from Asia to the U.S. and Europe increased to new record levels over the past week, ensuring transportation costs will stay elevated for companies heading into a peak season for rebuilding inventories. Container Rates to U.S. Top $10,000 as Shipping Crunch Tightens