Elenteny’s Actions : Strengthen Organic Enforcement Regulations


Elenteny’s Response to USDA’s Strengthen Organic Enforcement Regulations 


This page provides information for Elenteny customers on the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic regulations to strengthen oversight and enforcement of the production, handling, and sale of organic agricultural products.

These new requirements for organic supply chains will go into effect on March 19, 2024.  

The SOE regulations require: 

Elenteny Imports to become a certified importer with the USDA. To do so, we must declare all products that are labeled as organic that we will import with a USDA organic certifier.

To attain certification, Elenteny must provide a list of suppliers and each SKU from those suppliers that will be imported including all certification documents. Our certifier must review all certificates and sources prior to Elenteny’s certification.

Additionally, suppliers are required to have each shipment certified by their certifying agent and will be given a National Organic Program certification (NOP Certificate) which must be provided to our freight forwarder as part of the export documentation.

If you want to import any products labeled with the word ORGANIC. This includes language such as “made with organic grapes”,  “made with organic standards”, and “contains organic ingredients”.  YOU MUST BE REGISTERED IN OUR ORGANIC PROGRAM. If your supplier and the specific item you are ordering are not in our Organic Program, the label and corresponding invoices or other export documents MUST NOT say any of the above. There are no exceptions. 

New Update 7/ 12

Team Elenteny is now able to provide an update on our work to obtain our Organic Certification to comply with the USDA SOE.

Does Elenteny have its Organic Certification? 


Our organic certification process is now complete and we are live on the USDA’s Organic Integrity Database. https://organic.ams.usda.gov/integrity

Please reach out to organic@elentenyimports.com to obtain Elenteny’s NOP ID  number and discuss your organic importing needs. 


Webinar :  We recently held a webinar to answer all your Questions about Importing Organic Wine with Elenteny.   

Elenteny Imports Organics Webinar 6/6/2024


Enrollment in Elenteny’s Program

The next enrollment period provides the opportunity for you to register the organic wine you intend to import.  You must register wines with a label including the word ORGANIC. This can be any of the following: 

“Organic”. “Organic Wine” “Made with Organic Grapes”  “Made using Organic practices” 

These, and only these are wines in-scope of the USDA’s Strengthening Organic Enforcement Program.

The enrollment periods are : 

June 1, 2024  – June 21, 2024 – Ended 

September 1, 2024 – September 20, 2024 

December 1, 2024  – December 20, 2024

March 2, 2025 – March 21, 2025


The full schedule of 2025 periods will be published in early 2025. 


Customers who want to OPT – IN to Elenteny’s Organic Program must be able to :

  1. obtained a COLA with the Organic reference on the brand label.
  2. Provide Elenteny with the corresponding valid* and current Operator’s certificate (You may find any EU supplier’s Operator certificate in the database located here.)
  3. Fill out the provided product matrix with the details of the product being registered.
  4. Email organic@elentenyimports.com


*not expired (if your certificate is close to expiry a new certificate will most likely be ready on the portal linked above)


For customers thinking about importing Organic Wine

For our customers considering importing organic wine in the future, please talk to our team first.

We need to ensure compliance and you will need to speak with you about what is required. For more information, please email organic@elentenyimports.com


Elenteny Fees

We believe strongly in the value that small, organic producers and distributors offer US consumers, and we will work with you to ensure the continuity of your organic products in the marketplace.  

We have a fee structure that includes an annual SKU Registration Fee and then a shipment charge per supplier each time the SKU is imported.   The fees are standardized for those SKUs which are registered during an enrollment period.

For SKUS which meet the following conditions a RUSH fee is applied.

  1. An order that has not been declared ORGANIC on the PO appears as ORGANIC on the Commercial Invoice
  2. You are not currently opted into the program (see enrollment periods above) .
  3. If any item that is not enrolled appears on the Commercial Invoice.

Please reach out to organic@elentenyimports.com to learn more about our fee structure.

Fact Sheet :  https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/SOE-FR-Fact-Sheet.pdf
SOE Rules: https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/strengthening-organic-enforcement
USDA FAQ: https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/strengthening-organic-enforcement/faq
Certifier Look Up: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/organic-certification/becoming-certified
Example certificate: https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/NOP%20Import%20Certificate.pdf
USDA Handbook : https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/2024NOPProgramHandbookUpdate.pdf
Contact us : organic@elentenyimports.com 

Submit your PO

LCL customers submit here

Elenteny Partners Submit POs here

*USDA/CBP Agriculture has already begun requesting photos, COLAs and other documentation to prove that the final imported wine is compliant with this program