Want to make a payment?

Paystand allows you to pay electronically. Our AR team will provide you a copy of your invoice with a link that will allow you to enter your ACH details and make immediate electronic payments with our secure payment platform. Please email AR@elentenyimports.com for assistance.
Importers can pay suppliers with FX quotes.
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Check by Mail or Courier

Make checks Payable to “Elenteny Imports”. Please address your envelope to:

PO BOX 780578 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19178-0578

Elenteny Imports and Koverly Partner to Save Importers on Foreign Exchange

Read Press Release


Elenteny and Koverly Webinar

Koverly offers best in market foreign exchange services, 30 days free credit, and extended payment terms as needed. It is also a very easy to use platform that can offer what you need to easily manage your payments.