April 1st – Price Reduction Annoucement

We are happy to let you know that we have just received revised European tariffs.  These changes will be effective April 1st.  The tariffs contain further price cuts from the prices we recently announced effective March 1st.  This is our third price reduction of 2023.

We are committed to passing on price reductions as soon as possible.

The Italian lanes are subject to a small price decrease, as the previous pricing action reduced the price significantly.

Example price changes – level 3 pricing (200 – 349 cases)

East coast

  •  France -> NY  Base price $19.38 -> $17.37
  •  Spain ->   NY  Base price $20.12 -> $18.33
  •  Italy ->     NY  Base price $17.53 -> $17.43

West coast Direct LCL shipments

  • France -> $22.19 -> $18.67
  • Spain ->   $22.39 -> $20.57
  • Italy ->      $19.18  -> $19.08

*Example price changes – level 3 pricing (200 – 349 cases)

** Given the current industrial action in France, an additional transfer rate to a fully operational port may be applicable.  It is anticipated that transfer costs will be in the $1 -> $2 a case range.

The approximate shipping-time from Europe to the West Coast is ~40-45 days Ocean time, plus port and transport time.

For those of you who use our FCL services, similar pricing reductions will apply.

Pricing changes apply to any shipments sailing on or after April 1st 2023.

Here are the key changes:

  • LCL base prices, except Italy, will be reduced by ~$2 to ~$3 a case.  The fuel surcharge will remain unchanged, as follows
    • East coast shipments  15%
    • West coast shipments 17%
    • However, reduced base prices result in smaller overall fuel charges.
    • West coast LCL services will resume April 1st.
  • Our FCL customer will experience a similar case price drop on their shipments.


  • Do you foresee any end to the supply chain crisis?
    • The supply chain crisis continues to ease, we anticipate continued improvement throughout 2023.  Container availability, warehousing and port congestion continue to improve and have allowed us to make the decision to resume our West Coast, direct, LCL shipments.
  • Will Elenteny Imports continue to drop rates if supply chain costs drop?
    • Yes, in fact this our third pricing reduction in 2023.
  • Can I get a full revised LCL price list?
  • Will West Coast LCL shipments continue to ship through the East Coast?
    • NO, direct service to the West Coast will resume April 1st.
  • Will rates for FCLs change?
    • Yes, in line with forwarder decreases

Effective date

The revised charges affect all shipments that depart on or after April 1st, 2023.
West Coast direct LCL prices will be effective April 1st.

Become a new customer

We would welcome the opportunity to talk through your 2023 freight needs.  Email support@elentenyimports.com to get started!  Existing customers benefit from our Referral Program, so forward this email onto your fellow US importer friends and share your feedback (put us in BCC to follow up directly).