The increase in shipping volumes and Covid-19 related operational issues have resulted in shipping lines raising their global freight rates. We are currently experiencing emergency shipping charges from freight carriers, and these rates vary by carrier and by lane. Rather than implement a general price rise, we will be including these emergency charges as an additional surcharge for affected orders on your LCL invoices based on how many cases you ship. The additional charges will not exceed $1 a case, and are a direct pass through from the shipping lines. These additional emergency surcharges will become effective March, 12th 2021.
For FCLs, the emergency shipping charges will vary by container. Existing quotes will remain valid for 30 days from the time of quotation. New quotes will include the likelihood of emergency surcharges, and they will be passed through on your invoice. New FCL quotes will include an estimation of these surcharges, but the actual emergency shipping charge is subject to change.
The global shipping situation is very fluid at the moment, with increased delays and further price raises a real possibility. We will continue to update you as we hear about developments.